- Established 2017
No, only initially and 4-8 weeks later to set your dosing. You may have it done again if there are
significant changes.
The majority of side effects are temporary and typically only happens on the first dose. The most
common are acne, minor chin/upper lip hair growth, and bloating. All are very treatable. There are no serious side effects. Some men have to donate blood routinely as testosterone can raise your
hemoglobin (iron) levels. Fewer men also need to take an aromatase inhibitor because their bodies
naturally convert testosterone into estradiol (a female hormone) that can cause breast growth,
tenderness, and mood changes. This is more common in overweight men. Your 6 week post pellet labs will determine if you have either of these problems.
The therapy is $350 for women (including transgender women) and $700 for men (including
transgender men). Twenty percent discounts are given to first responders: firefighters, police officers, nurses, physicians, and APRNs, as well as active duty and retired military. A one time fifteen percent discount is given when you leave positive reviews on facebook, google, and yelp. You get your next pellets ½ off when someone you refer gets pellets.
Book directly with the provider of your choice with what dates and times they have available.